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Dreams are the touchstones of our character.
-- Henry David Thoreau


Friday, April 29, 2022

Not all about you

Here’s a thought that can give you access to higher levels of freedom and power. It’s not all about you.

When you’re in the habit of taking everything personally, that imposes a heavy burden on your life. The liberating fact is, most of what happens around you is not necessarily directed at you.

People have all sorts of reasons for what they do. Very few of those reasons involve you at all.

There are plenty of times when it’s perfectly reasonable to object to the actions of others. But if you elevate that objection to the level of taking personal offense, you only make it worse for yourself.

By all means disagree, but don’t make that disagreement a defining part of who you are. Other people will live as they live, and there’s no reason to contaminate your own life with obsession over their negative behavior.

It’s not all about you. Keep that always in mind, and free yourself to live with excellence no matter what anyone else does or does not do.

— Ralph Marston

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