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It is necessary; therefore, it is possible.
-- G A Borghese


Friday, May 13, 2022

Living up to your expectations

Is the reality of life responsible for your disappointment? Or could your unrealistic expectations be to blame?

Are you expecting to reap rich rewards without putting forth any effort? Are you expecting to be respected and admired without being responsible and considerate?

You are free to expect whatever you choose to expect. Yet just because you expect something does not make it real.

Your positive expectations can drive you to achieve, and that’s a good thing. However, expectations alone will not magically bend reality to suit your desires.

That’s something you have the good fortune to be able to do. You can expect the best and then do the work that will bring those expectations to life.

In order for reality to live up to your expectations, you must yourself live up to those expectations. That’s the path to lead you away from disappointment and toward fulfillment.

— Ralph Marston

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