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No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave.
-- Calvin Coolidge


Monday, May 23, 2022

Live selectively

You cannot see it all, be it all, do it all. What you can do, is do some things very well.

Choosing everything is not a choice, it is a refusal to choose. And it leaves nothing with any meaning.

Quantity is no substitute for quality. Doing everything is no substitute for doing some things with excellence.

You would not want a surgeon or an accountant or an airline pilot who is in the habit of multitasking. You would want someone who gives their care, focus, and full attention to the task at hand.

Choose a good and promising path. Then follow that path, step by diligent step, with a continuing commitment to excellence.

Rather than an endless list of hollow activities, engage in a a well-curated procession of meaningful experiences. Live selectively, and live with purpose, with quality, with excellence.

— Ralph Marston

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