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If what you did yesterday seems big, you haven't done anything today.
-- Lou Holtz


Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Perfection and common sense

Just because something is flawed doesn’t mean it is useless. It’s fine to aim for perfection but it’s foolish to reject everything else.

Some compromises are worth making. Some shortcomings it’s best to find a way to live with, at least for a while.

When the perfect option is not available, see if you can make another option work. A rocky, slippery path is better than no path at all.

The same concept applies even more so when it comes to people. No person in your life is going to be perfect all the time, but that doesn’t mean you must alienate yourself from everyone.

A momentary lapse is no reason to punish anyone, including yourself, for all time. A little forgiveness and understanding can go a long way for everyone involved.

Live with the highest of standards, but don’t let those standards prevent you from living. Seek excellence and even perfection, but be careful not to throw out common sense in the process.

— Ralph Marston

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