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The major block to compassion is the judgment in our minds. Judgment is the mind's primary tool of separation.
-- Diane Berke


Saturday, June 18, 2022

Treasures of experience

Someday you’ll more fully appreciate what you’re going through today. Whether joy or disappointment, fulfillment or frustration, pain or pleasure, you’re adding value in your life.

Look back a little ways, or a long way, and you’ll see. You continually leave the past behind, yet you carry forward the rich treasures of experience.

Today is one such experience that will end up serving you well. Do what you can, do what you must, to work your way through.

Expect good things, but don’t beat yourself up if you fail to get it perfect. Give your best, and know that time will amplify the value of your efforts.

The most difficult moments can also be the most productive. The most uncomfortable situations can instill in you the greatest strengths.

Through the ups and downs, ins and outs of this day, take it all in stride, live it all with integrity and excellence. And know all the while that you’re creating your own unique treasures of experience.

— Ralph Marston

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