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Change yourself and your work will seem different.
-- Norman Vincent Peale


Monday, June 27, 2022

All the good you can do

Not everything will go your way today. Nonetheless, you can experience some significant wins.

This day is not going to be perfect. Yet through your choices you can make it much better than it would have otherwise been.

The quality and success of your experience today is largely up to you. It depends on where you direct your focus, on where you apply your time, energy, and resources.

Though the world is filled with problems, it is also overflowing with positive potential. Some meaningful aspects of that potential exist right now within you, your abilities, your situation.

There are parts of your world where you can begin immediately to make real progress. Give your attention, commitment, effort and tenacity to them.

Don’t let the difficulties that are out of your control dissuade you from doing all the good you can do. Be ever mindful of your positive potential, and always eager to live up to it.

— Ralph Marston

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