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Courage, trust, truth, love. Even unto your enemy... which is yourself.
-- Jordan B. Peterson


Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Having things go your way

Are you holding yourself hostage to forces you cannot control? Are your happiness and self-esteem based on the random whims of fate?

Don’t make yourself and your effectiveness dependent on always having things go your way. Because things are not always going to go your way.

It is precisely when things are not going your way that you need to be at your best. By detaching from your outcomes you empower yourself to create more favorable outcomes.

Sure, it’s great when life unfolds in accordance with your desires. But because there are so many factors you cannot control, that’s not always going to happen.

Rather than cursing your fate every time something goes wrong, here’s a better approach. Accept what has happened, look realistically at your best options, and take positive action.

By acknowledging that many things are out of your control, you’re able to focus on what you can control. Do that, and you can cause a lot more situations to turn in your favor.

— Ralph Marston

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