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Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.
-- Theodore Roosevelt


Friday, July 22, 2022

Keep goodness alive

Fulfill the potential of what is now. At the same time, honor and utilize the value of what has gone before.

You stand at the dawning of a malleable and undetermined future. Yet you’ve been brought to this point by a specific, concluded past.

As you persist in your actions, as events continue to unfold, you walk the fertile ground between what was and what’s to be. It is a powerful and sobering place to be.

In this sweet spot of time that is now, you play an essential role. You are responsible for the continuation and expansion of life’s goodness and value.

Every achievement that’s ever been achieved has occurred in the past. You have the ability and the obligation to extend achievement and its benefits far into the future.

Right here, right now, is where everything that matters encounters everything that’s possible. With your effort, with your commitment, with faith, integrity and gratitude, keep the goodness alive and growing.

— Ralph Marston

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