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Conscience is the root of all true courage; if a man would be brave let him obey his conscience.
-- James Freeman Clarke


Thursday, July 28, 2022

What you find

How do you find the best job, the best partner, a good home, a good community? How do you find good customers, clients, employees, suppliers?

How do you find people who are honest, competent, and intelligent? How do you find friends who are truthful, loyal, and sincere?

How do you find all the many people, places, and things in life that enable you to make a good life? You find them by virtue of the way you live.

What you find is what you are. Live each day with honesty, conduct every interaction with honesty, and you find honesty.

Invest time and effort to build your competence, and others with competence are attracted to you. Place great value on respect, integrity, and peacefulness, and you’ll be surrounded by those qualities in abundance.

What you find is driven by the way you are, most genuinely, most consistently. Take good care of your innermost truth, because it is faithfully echoed throughout your world.

— Ralph Marston

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