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Be curious always! For knowledge will not acquire you: you must acquire it.
-- Sudie Back


Saturday, July 30, 2022

The price you pay

If you make ambitious, specific plans for the day, the week, the month, some of those plans are likely to fall through. That’s no reason to avoid making meaningful plans and working to carry them out.

If you have long-term goals and dreams for your life, you’re going to encounter some painful disappointments in connection with them. But that doesn’t mean you should avoid having those dreams.

It’s difficult when life doesn’t go the way you planned. Yet what’s far more difficult is to never plan much of anything at all.

Having no ambition, no goals, no dreams, will not shield you from pain and disappointment. It will guarantee pain and disappointment.

Make those plans, even though some may not work out. Set those goals, dream those dreams, and put the best of yourself into following them.

One way or another, you’re going to encounter disappointment and pay its price. That’s all the more reason to make sure you live a rich and fulfilling life in return for the price you pay.

— Ralph Marston

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