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Happiness is activity.
-- Aristotle


Wednesday, August 10, 2022


Give each thought more than just a brief encounter. Contemplate, and provide your mind with a healthy workout.

Follow along as one thought leads to another. Journey into the deep recesses of your thinking.

Enable your thoughts to gain new power as they interact with other thoughts. Discover new ways to combine, assimilate, and to think about what you already know.

Your ability to concentrate has the potential to change the world. Give it the time it deserves, and give yourself the benefits that come from quality thoughts.

On a regular basis, do the work that transforms knowledge into wisdom. Engage your amazing ability to think, and provide your mind with ample time to do its valuable work.

Your life is driven forward by your actions, and those actions gain immense power when you put quality thought into them. Contemplate, and enable life to benefit from all the mental connections you create.

— Ralph Marston

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