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As you ramble on through life, brother, whatever be your goal: keep your eyes upon the donut, and not upon the hole!
-- Dr. Murray Banks


Monday, August 15, 2022

Doubting yourself

Other people are likely at times to doubt what you say. So get a jump on them, and exercise some healthy doubt of your own.

Be the first to challenge yourself, genuinely and robustly. That prepares you well to respond to the challenges of others.

Think of the ways you could be wrong, then work through them. By so doing you’ll improve your ability to be right.

Take care not to get trapped in your own perspective. Make it a point to look at that perspective with some degree of skepticism.

When you’re truly willing to change your own mind you’ll have greater power to change someone else’s mind. Know how to get past your own doubt and you’ll learn how to get past other doubt.

Yes, by all means have confidence in yourself and in what you have to say. Strengthen that confidence by testing it, and improving it, with doubt.

— Ralph Marston

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