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I always try to believe the best of everybody -- it saves so much trouble.
-- Rudyard Kipling


Saturday, August 20, 2022

Better than anger

Your anger is justified and understandable. But it’s not very healthy or helpful, and it doesn’t feel so great.

You don’t have to carry that anger around, letting it weigh you down. You can transform it into a more positive force.

Instead of being angry about a particular problem, perhaps you could fix the problem. Even though you didn’t cause it, you can have the good fortune of being the person who solves it.

Seething about what’s already happened won’t bring new value into your life. Yet taking positive action to improve the situation can benefit you and a whole lot of other people.

Let go of the need to exact punishment and retribution. Fill yourself instead with the desire to promote goodness, cooperation, and understanding.

You can do a whole lot better than anger. Get creative, identify an alternative, and choose not to let anger wear you down.

— Ralph Marston

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