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If you are offered a seat on a rocket ship, don't ask what seat! Just get on.
-- Sheryl Sandberg


Friday, September 9, 2022

A little courage

A little courage goes a long way. Act with a little courage and you gain greater respect from others and from yourself.

With even a little courage you experience how to summon courage, how to make use of it. That opens up a whole range of new possibilities.

Every little act of courage gives you added confidence and inspiration to live with even more courage. And it can spill over into the people around you.

Remind yourself that there’s more to life than just passing the time in comfort and certainty. Step forward with courage, taste a little bit of adventure and you’ll find yourself seeking more.

The world can be harsh and unpredictable. Yet with courage you can embrace reality for all it is and follow a pathway to goodness, value, and fulfillment.

Exercise a little courage here, a little courage there, and discover how well it resonates. The adventure that is your life deserves the all courage you can give it.

— Ralph Marston

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