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We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.
-- Charles R. Swindoll


Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Start right now

Now is the time, this is the place. Go with what you have and do what you must do.

If you’ve been waiting for an ideal time, consider the wait over. Choose an item from your to-do list and get going.

As nice as it would have been to start earlier, that possibility is not available to you. What you do have is the next best option, which is to start right now.

The clock is running, time is passing, and you might as well make use of as much of that time as possible. The instant you start to take action, you begin to transform fleeting time into enduring value.

Your efforts may very well bring complications, challenges, distractions, uncertainty, and other issues. But putting off those efforts will only make them more difficult when you finally get around to them.

Do yourself a big favor and start right now. The moment you currently have is ready for you to get the very best out of it.

— Ralph Marston

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