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We grow great by dreams. All big men are dreamers.
-- Woodrow Wilson


Friday, September 30, 2022

Your life has value

Whatever mistakes you’ve made, whatever difficulties you face, one particular truth is undeniable. Your life has value.

It’s not easy to express that value, or even to know all the details about what it is. Nonetheless, it is there, and on some level you have always known that.

You are part of a larger whole, yet you are also unique, precious, irreplaceable. Your presence, your thoughts, your actions have the potential to contribute greatly to the quality and integrity of life.

Even when no one seems to care, you can care. You can give voice to truth, you can put forth effort to make a difference.

Your life has value, but that does not give you license to live recklessly. On the contrary, it challenges you to be responsible, to take seriously the unique potential that exists in you and in all you can do.

Wherever you may find yourself, however you may feel, your life has value. What small thing can you do right now to let it come forth?

— Ralph Marston

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