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The genius can do anything but does one thing at a time.
-- Matthew McConaughey


Monday, October 3, 2022

Eager to join the struggle

Wake up eager to join the struggle. Step forward and engage with the challenges of life.

You have needs, desires, goals, dreams, and responsibilities. But to have them all provided for with no effort on your part will reduce you to nothing.

Your life is worth what you are willing to pay for it. Every moment you have the opportunity to make it more valuable.

Yes, you have many blessings and advantages you didn’t have to work for, including life itself. And you’re burdened with numerous difficulties that are not your fault.

But it will serve no useful purpose to claim any sort of special privilege or victim status. Your best path forward is to go to work with what you have and create meaningful new value for yourself and your world.

What is the most compelling challenge you are able to address in the moment? Invest yourself in that, and enable all of life to reap the rich rewards of your doing so.

— Ralph Marston

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