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Apply yourself. Get all the education you can, but then, by God, do something. Don't just stand there, make it happen.
-- Lee Iacocca


Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Enduring joys

You can find joy by being impulsive in the moment. Yet the bigger, enduring joys demand forethought, along with intentional and sustained effort.

It’s easy to know what you want right now. What’s much more powerful is to figure out what you want six months from now, or ten years from now.

Your time, energy, and resources are limited. It makes sense to spend them mostly in the service of what truly matters, of what will last.

Yes, give your awareness to living in the moment. But don’t invest everything you have in a fleeting whimsy.

Live in the moment while also creating value that will outlive the moment. Fully enjoy and experience all that is, while making good, intentional use of it to enhance all that can be.

With your intention and your work, seek to transform ephemeral moments into the lasting joys of a life well lived. Make the moment mean something, and enable its value to continue.

— Ralph Marston

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