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It is well to remember that the entire universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others.
-- John Andrew Holmes


Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Good work

You’ve been doing good work. Keep it up, and add to it.

You’ve been making a difference, and life has benefitted from your efforts. Continue those efforts, and discover how you can make them even more effective.

Does it sometimes feel like your efforts don’t matter? What you do matters to the extent you choose to make it matter, and that’s a choice you have in every moment.

Often the encouragement from others is absent, and sometimes the world sends you a flood of negativity, even downright hostility. Make note of the feedback, perhaps inserting some reasonable adjustments, and move forward with what you know is good and right and worthwhile.

You’ve made some mistakes in the past and you’re likely to make a few more as time goes by. Yet from every mistake you can learn, you can improve, and you can carry on.

You’ve learned much about what succeeds and what doesn’t, what’s effective and what’s a waste, what adds richness and fulfillment to life. Take a deep, peaceful breath, be thankful for how far you’ve come, and keep up the good work.

— Ralph Marston

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