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Be curious always! For knowledge will not acquire you: you must acquire it.
-- Sudie Back


Friday, November 4, 2022

Raise your expectations

Today you can raise your expectations of yourself. You can recognize the power you have over your own choices and exercise that power, repeatedly, consistently.

In your most idealistic moments, who, what, how do you imagine yourself to be? Day after day, in all the practical considerations of living life, you have the ability to be that person.

Make the choice to align your intentions in this moment, in every moment, with your most deeply felt purpose. Take charge of the dynamo that is your life, and act on your most thoughtfully considered priorities.

Your goals, values, preferences, dreams, and ambitions are more than mere thought experiments. You have what it takes to make them into life experiences.

Refuse to get caught up in whether it’s easy or hard, exciting or boring, engaging or tedious. Just do what you know is best for you to do as the authentic person you are.

From that authenticity, from your intentions and the persistent actions that support them, life’s most profound rewards gain substance. Raise your expectations and take an active role in bringing them about.

— Ralph Marston

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