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If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
-- Maya Angelou


Monday, November 7, 2022

The world as it is

Just because reality is disturbing or unpleasant is no reason to ignore it. In fact there’s a good reason to pay more attention to it, so you can create needed improvements.

Just because your reality is great doesn’t mean you have the luxury of ignoring it. Indeed, that’s a reason for working even more to keep the good things going.

The world is never any particular way just because you want it to be. Instead of pretending or wishing for the situation to be different, go to work on the situation that exists.

Yes, by all means imagine how the world can be more to your liking. Then put forth the effort to bring about what you imagine.

Allow yourself to be upset by negative reality, permit yourself to be comforted by positive reality. But don’t let yourself become ignorant or complacent about the reality of the world you live in.

Recognize and live appropriately with the good, the bad, and the in between. With the world as it is, make life the best you can envision.

— Ralph Marston

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