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You cannot make yourself feel something you do not feel, but you can make yourself do right in spite of your feelings.
-- Pearl S. Buck


Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Finish the work

Getting started excites, inspires, motivates, and pushes you forward. Doing all the work required to actually finish is not nearly so compelling, but just as necessary.

You’ve come a long way and made some progress. Now go the rest of the way and make all that progress count for something.

Finish the work, and make good on the promise that had you so excited to get started. Finish the work, so your earlier efforts don’t go to waste.

It’s easy to continually become enticed by new possibilities. Yet if you cannot persist, if you don’t finish the work you’ve already begun, none of the possibilities will have any value.

Make the possibilities mean something by bringing them all the way into reality. Enable yourself to have the confidence that you’ll finish what you start.

You’ve done some good work, created enthusiasm, harnessed and focused your energy. Now keep it up, extend your efforts, carry that energy all the way through, finish the work and reach the goal.

— Ralph Marston

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