virgin islands scene

No thoroughly occupied man was ever yet very miserable.
-- L. E. Landon


Thursday, November 24, 2022

Filled with appreciation

Allow waves to crash upon the shore. Allow people to be who they are, as they are, including you.

Allow clouds to stream across the sky. Allow the rising sun to push darkness away.

Right now encompasses everything there is. And here you are, able to know it, to live it, and to even improve upon it.

With gratitude for all of existence, you can let life flow. With purpose and love, you can add your own warmth and goodness to that flow.

Reflect for a little while on the limitless nature of reality and possibility. Remind yourself it’s a realm in which you have the good fortune to act as a positive force.

Allow the noise, confusion and anxiety to fade completely away. Fill yourself with appreciation for the immense potential of right now and live it in the best way you can imagine.

— Ralph Marston

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