virgin islands scene

Abraham Lincoln did not go to Gettysburg having commissioned a poll to find out what would sell in Gettysburg.
-- Robert Coles


Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Take the pressure off

There’s more than enough pressure coming from others, so let go of the pressure you’re putting on yourself. Free up significant bandwidth in your awareness.

You get the work done by doing it, not by going overboard on pushing yourself to do it. Push yourself to get started, then back off and allow the effort to take on a life of its own.

Put your energy into wondering, imagining, acting and responding rather than into worrying and trying. Focus not on resisting any particular thoughts or efforts, but on expanding and extending the best ones.

You won’t create any extra time by fretting that you’re progressing too slowly. Proceed with the assurance that you’ll get it done when you get it done, and that can help you move forward more quickly.

Embrace higher and higher standards of performance for yourself. Enjoy the challenge of doing so willingly, free of self-imposed pressure and coercion.

Encourage and support your own efforts, your own journey. Take the pressure off and experience achievement as you bring it about.

— Ralph Marston

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