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Happiness is activity.
-- Aristotle


Monday, December 5, 2022

Envision the good you can do

Boldly take hold of the opportunity that is now. Put yourself out there, take the initiative, act on your ideas, follow through with your plans.

Create value, meaning, and substance from the time that passes. Be willing to get your hands dirty and eager to get your feet wet.

Use the moment at hand to give your active support to what you care about. Feel the power and fulfillment that come from focusing on purpose rather than on mere distractions.

Right in front of you is a stretch of time in which you can make a difference. Surrounding you are possibilities, resources, ideas, and other people who also seek fulfillment.

See the potential for goodness, progress, enrichment, and work to bring that potential to life. Feel the satisfaction that comes from giving your best.

Envision the good you can do with now. Then make the effort to make the vision real.

— Ralph Marston

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