virgin islands scene

Abraham Lincoln did not go to Gettysburg having commissioned a poll to find out what would sell in Gettysburg.
-- Robert Coles


Friday, December 9, 2022

Peaceful experience

For a moment or maybe longer, invite peacefulness into the entirety of your being. Enable your awareness to linger on the best part of being alive, of being you, of being itself.

Feel meaning, purpose, and joy as they resonate through the center of who you are. Open yourself to the mystery you cannot name and yet cannot deny.

In that space, in that state, find clarity, find truth. Wrap yourself in the reality of existence, in the everlasting possibility of goodness.

See with rejuvenated eyes the deep beauty in all that is. Breathe in the sweet, empowering air of possibility.

Understand how even those things that confound you can make sense. Realize the ways love has made a difference and will continue to do so.

Notice how brightly love can shine in even the darkest darkness. And carry the warm, peaceful experience with you everywhere you go.

— Ralph Marston

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