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Know and believe in yourself, and what others think won't disturb you.
-- William Feather


Sunday, November 12, 1995

Take responsibility

Who or what controls your life? The achievers in this world believe that whatever happens to them, they are responsible for it.

If you don’t believe that you are responsible for your own life, then you are under the control of circumstances. You are just an object in someone else’s world. That is not the way to success.

When you are in control of your life, you succeed at getting where you want to go. And being in control means taking responsibility. Whatever your circumstances are at this point in your life, you created them. Now this may sound cruel and cold, to say that you are to blame for all your troubles. However, it is the best first step toward improving your life. Sure, you can spend a lot of time trying to assign blame to others. What would that get you? Nothing!

You take control when you rise above the petty name-calling and blame-assigning. You take control when you take responsibility for where you are and where you are going.

You become what you think about the most. If you constantly think about your problems, trying to figure out who to blame for them, then that is what you’ll get more of -- problems. When you focus on your goals, and constantly think about where you want to go and how you are going to get there, then you will begin to move in that direction, almost as if by magic.

— Ralph Marston

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