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Diligence is the mother of good luck.
-- Benjamin Franklin


Saturday, May 2, 1998

Is it?

Watch out for “is.” It can be very limiting. Thinking and saying that something “is” a certain way, puts you in danger of ignoring all the other possibilities.

When you make a statement like “this is impossible” it cuts off all your options. Many things which once were considered impossible have now become routine. Rather than concluding that “this is impossible” try asking “what would make this possible?"

The next time you find yourself saying “this is” or “they are” or “I am” consider that there may indeed be many other possibilities. Rephrase the statement into a question and observe how it opens your mind. Instead of saying “I am no good at selling” ask “How can I improve my selling skills?” Instead of thinking “I’m an expert at Java” ask “What more could I learn about Java?"

In a world where change is one of the few certainties, don’t let yourself be trapped by “is.” Open yourself to the possibilities.

— Ralph Marston

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