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Happiness is activity.
-- Aristotle


Wednesday, June 3, 1998

The momentum of success

Every great achievement builds on accomplishments that preceded it. The new, powerful computers which we now use were designed and produced using the previous generation of computers. New works of literature are full of allusions to earlier works. Artists develop techniques which draw heavily from previous methods. Successful businesses often adopt and improve upon the strategies used by others.

Whatever you wish to accomplish, you don’t have to start from scratch. Rather than begrudge the success of others, find a way to build upon it. With each achievement, comes countless opportunities for even greater achievements. As the world grows more successful, there are more and more ways to become successful.

The same concept applies on a personal level. Even a very small success, can be used to build a greater success. Achievement has infinite potential. Anyone can start with a small accomplishment. And when you do, you’re on your way to greatness.

— Ralph Marston

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