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In great attempts it is glorious even to fail.
-- Cassius Longinus


Friday, June 5, 1998

Recipe for greatness

Take something ordinary, add some focus, commitment and effort, and you have greatness. Greatness arises out of the common and the ordinary. The raw material of greatness is nothing special. A magnificent mansion is made out of ordinary wood, bricks and nails. A literary masterpiece is printed on ordinary paper. A beautiful symphony is performed with ordinary musical instruments.

Greatness depends not on what we have to work with, but on what we do with it. Greatness is achieved not because of what we have, but as a result of what we do.

Though greatness by definition is rare, it is within the reach of anyone. Because the greatest greatness comes from common, ordinary beginnings. Whoever you are, wherever you are, whatever you have to work with, greatness is always waiting for you to make it happen.

— Ralph Marston

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