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The old begin to complain of the conduct of the young when they themselves are no longer able to set a bad example.
-- Francois de La Rochefoucauld


Tuesday, June 23, 1998

Live the adventure

In our desire to make life easy, we can make it far more difficult than it has to be. In our desire to avoid effort, we often make even more effort necessary. In our reluctance to let go, we ultimately lose that which we try to hold.

Think of the things that hold you back. How many of them are the result of your own unwillingness to accept and work through the challenges that are presented to you?

Accept that life is not easy, and it becomes easier. Accept that you must put forth effort, and then the effort isn’t so bad. Realize that by letting go of your need to possess, you can have anything.

Today is your opportunity to move forward, to face the challenges, to grow into the person you always knew you could be. Honor the priceless value of your life with the best effort that you can give. Live the adventure that is uniquely yours to fulfill.

— Ralph Marston

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