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There is no education like adversity.
-- Benjamin Disraeli


Wednesday, July 1, 1998


The surest path to increasing and improving your self esteem, is through accomplishment. Don’t let that word “accomplishment” scare you off. Accomplishment is within your reach. You don’t need a big, grand accomplishment, just a steady stream of bigger and better accomplishments.

There is something positive that you can accomplish within the next 15 minutes. And once you’ve done it, you cannot help but feel good about yourself. Take that improved self esteem and set out to accomplish something else, perhaps something a little more challenging.

No one can do it for you, though it would certainly be helpful if you could have advice and encouragement along the way. Nothing you can read in a book, or hear in a seminar, will do it for you. You must make your own accomplishments. Certainly you can learn from others and emulate those whom you admire. Yet when it comes down to taking actions, it’s up to you.

Start small and grow. Find something you can accomplish right now, something a bit challenging but not out of reach. Do whatever is necessary to get it done, and then build on the momentum that you’ve just created. Take one step at a time, and there’s no limit to how high you can climb.

— Ralph Marston

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