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The work you do while you procrastinate is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life.
-- Jessica Hische


Saturday, August 1, 1998

Other perspectives

Even when you disagree with someone’s opinion, there is something you can learn from it. Everyone has a different perspective, and there is much knowledge to be gained by considering the viewpoint of others.

Too often we think that our outright rejection of someone else’s opinion serves to reinforce our own viewpoint. Yet the complete opposite is true. Your own opinion is worthless if it cannot stand up to a challenge. If you’re afraid to even consider another perspective, it’s a sign that your own position is weak.

Avoid comparing someone else’s opinion to your own. Instead, consider it on its own terms. Find the value it contains. Look for the truth and reality from which it springs.

Enrich your life by finding value in the opinions and perspectives of others.

— Ralph Marston

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