Thursday, December 24, 1998
Trust and truth
Trust comes from truth, even when the truth hurts. Especially when the truth hurts. You cannot have trust without truth. And without trust, nothing is achieved.
To follow your own ideas and possibilities, you must have faith in them. You must trust them. You must trust yourself. That means being truthful with yourself -- bluntly and sincerely truthful.
The same dynamic applies even more profoundly when working with others. Would you provide your support, your time, or your expertise to someone you did not trust? Would you commit your energy and your resources to someone who had lied to you?
Without truth and trust, all our frenzied activity accomplishes nothing. Seek trust by accepting nothing less than the truth. Nurture trust by recognizing, respecting and appreciating truth. Create trust by living and acting in truth. In so doing, you will move steadily toward greatness.
Ralph Marston
Humility Peace on EarthCopyright ©1998 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All Rights Reserved. The Daily Motivator is provided for your personal, non-commercial use only. Other than personal sharing, please do not re-distribute without permission.
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