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The darkest hour of a man's life is when he sits down to plan how to get money without earning it.
-- Horace Greeley


Monday, February 3, 2003


Every moment spent in negativity is paid for with something truly priceless. That something is life. It is completely impossible to ever replace even a single minute spent on negative thinking. And not only does negative thinking represent lost opportunity, it is also quite destructive in its own right.

In short, negative thinking is an extravagant, wasteful indulgence. It is indeed a hollow luxury that few people, if any, can afford.

The good news is that it is also unnecessary. For even in the most difficult, seemingly hopeless situations, negative thinking is completely optional. At no point, under no circumstance, in no situation are you ever required to waste your life with negative thoughts. You can find a positive approach, a positive response to any situation, no matter what it may be.

How many minutes, hours or days of your life do you wish to throw away on negative, defeating thoughts? The price of negativity is way too high, and thankfully, you don’t need it at all.

— Ralph Marston

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