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The impossible is often the untried.
-- Jim Goodwin


Tuesday, February 4, 2003

True reflection

Look out at the world and what do you see? Much of it is a reflection of your own beliefs and expectations. Everything you experience passes first through the filter of your own attitude toward life. That’s why one person can see beauty and positive possibilities in the exact same situation where another person sees only despair and hopelessness.

The shortcomings you see in others are, to some degree, within you as well. Otherwise you would not be able to see or understand them. The beauty you see in others is in you as well. For beauty is not only in who or what is perceived, but also in who is doing the perceiving.

The world around you is in many ways a mirror, and when you present your best face to a mirror, you’ll like what you see. Fully expect to live in a world of beauty, goodness and opportunity, and that is precisely where you will be.

— Ralph Marston

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