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A goal is a dream with a deadline
-- Napoleon Hill


Friday, June 13, 2003

Wind against your face

The faster you move forward, the more the wind blows against your face. When you encounter much difficulty and resistance, it is because you’re in the process of making significant progress.

Those who have no problems are those who never venture out to accomplish anything. Those who face the most challenges are those who end up creating the most value.

When a particular problem arises, it is because you have progressed to the point where you can deal with it. When a challenge comes along, that’s because you are truly ready for where it can bring you.

See the obstacles as gateways and you’ll see their true value. Each new challenge is a stepping stone, a waypoint on the journey to real and meaningful accomplishment.

Feel the stiff wind as it blows against your face. And know that what you’re feeling is your rapid movement forward.

— Ralph Marston

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