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Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in deserving them.
-- Aristotle


Saturday, June 14, 2003

What is to come

Life is often so busy that it seems to be overwhelming. You put so much into just keeping up that there is no time or energy remaining to really live. Yet in reality, being overwhelmed is purely a product of your thinking. And it’s something you can change in an instant.

The feeling of being overwhelmed comes not from what you’re doing at the moment. It comes from worrying about what you must do next. While it is wise to plan for the future, it is of no use to let your anxiety for what is to come intrude into what is right now. Stay focused on the present moment and the feeling of being overwhelmed will fade quickly away.

Take care of this moment, and then move on to the next. See your life not as overwhelmed, but rather as filled with productive and enriching activity. And it will be.

— Ralph Marston

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