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Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Accept success

Success is not a secret. It is a choice that is made over and over again. Success is not something that can be denied to you. It is something that you can always choose to accept.

How do you accept success? You accept success by making the effort instead of making excuses. You accept success by taking responsibility instead of counting on someone else to do it for you. You accept success by being truthful with others and, just as importantly, with yourself.

You accept success when things get tough, by being positive and innovative instead of becoming despondent. You accept success by being who you are and by contributing what you can, rather than pretending to be someone else.

Every day you can choose either to accept success or to just let it pass you by. With each thought, each word, each action, choose to accept success.

— Ralph Marston

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