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You cannot be anything if you want to be everything.
-- Solomon Schechter


Wednesday, October 1, 2003

It matters

Every moment you are doing something that matters. Every moment you are exerting your own bit of influence on the direction of life, on the direction in which your world is moving. Even when you are doing nothing, it matters very much. For by doing nothing, you allow some of your greatest possibilities to pass by without ever being fulfilled.

Whatever you’re doing right now truly matters. It will make a difference in the way your life proceeds, a difference for yourself and for all those around you. What will the difference amount to? That depends on what you’re doing.

You cannot escape the consequences that will surely come from this moment. Yet you can have a very influential say in what those consequences will be, by virtue of what you do with it.

Live every moment as though it’s the most important thing you can do. And soon enough you’ll discover that it is.

— Ralph Marston

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