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The universe is transformation; our life is what our thoughts make it.
-- Marcus Aurelius


Friday, April 9, 2004

Determined action

Those who actually solve problems spend very little time complaining about them. Problems are turned into opportunities not by complaining or blaming or endless analysis, but by thoughtful and determined action.

When you’re busy solving a problem you’re working to transform it from a negative to a positive. When you merely complain, then you’re investing yourself in perpetuating the negativity of that problem.

Complaining is easy, and it usually just worsens the situation. Taking positive action is indeed the more challenging course, for it involves effort and commitment.

Taking action requires you to make real-life decisions, to look at the tradeoffs and to weigh the value of different options. When you take action, you must be willing to put yourself on the line.

For the results are not going to be perfect, and there is always the possibility of failure. When that happens you learn from it and make another, more informed, more determined effort.

Commit to taking thoughtful, persistent action. And it will take you where you want to go.

— Ralph Marston

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