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He who is too busy doing good finds no time to be good.
-- Rabindranath Tagore


Saturday, April 10, 2004

What you make of it

The difference between a dreary day and a beautiful one is mainly in what you make of it. The difference between an impassable obstacle and a golden opportunity is primarily in what you make of it.

Each experience is largely raw and unformed until you actually experience it. Each circumstance, each encounter with life is yours to make of it what you will.

Your attitude is the filter through which the moments of your life are seen and known and valued. What gets through to you and what does not, is largely up to you.

Life can be filled with unfairness and misery, or it can be full of invigorating challenge and opportunities for achievement. So much depends on how you take it, on what you make of what comes your way.

Some have been blessed with every advantage, and end up with nothing to show for it all. Others have been saddled with unimaginable burdens, and yet have risen to magnificent heights.

As this day plays out, whatever the moments may bring, make the choice to look first for the positive possibilities. This day, this moment, this life is what you make of it.

— Ralph Marston

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