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If life is to be sustained hope must remain, even where confidence is wounded, trust impaired.
-- Erik H. Erikson


Monday, April 26, 2004

Give this day a purpose

Don’t be content to let the moments of this day slip silently and uselessly away. Fill them with life and with meaning.

Give this day a purpose. And you’ll transform it from a day merely to be endured into one that will always be cherished.

Give this day a purpose. And its richness, its value will stay with you long after its time has ended. Make something useful and meaningful of the moments. Live them in the service of a real and consequential purpose.

This day is here and now, and yours to live. Give to it a purpose, a reason, a true measure of respect for the possibilities that come with it.

Live this day by giving it a purpose. And the best of its possibilities will be yours.

— Ralph Marston

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