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To have a great idea, have a lot of them.
-- Thomas Edison


Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Life’s richness

Life’s richness does not come as a result of acquiring what you don’t have. True richness comes from fully living and making the most of the unique and valuable things you do have.

The outward signs of success are neither the causes nor the essence of that success. They are merely superficial, visible consequences. To see success only as a pile of material possessions is to miss out on success altogether. The substance of success and fulfillment can never be contained in mere artifacts.

You are already wealthy beyond all measure. Your challenge now is to make meaningful use of that immense good fortune. Let go of the illusion that fulfillment is in the getting, the acquiring, the possessing. Rather, seek fulfillment in the becoming and creating, in the living and giving.

True value is not something you can ever confiscate from others. The value that will bring richness to your life is the value you create.

— Ralph Marston

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