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As long as people believe in absurdities, they will continue to commit atrocities.
-- Voltaire


Monday, May 24, 2004

Extra effort

How do you get enormous results from a relatively small effort? It happens when you make that effort an extra effort.

Once you’ve done the necessary work, do a little more. The extra payoff will be vastly larger than the additional effort expended. Why is that? Because the more your efforts can build on each other, the more valuable they become.

If you stop at the very earliest opportunity, you give up precious momentum. Instead, keep going a little longer, and watch as your efforts become increasingly effective.

Think of how much fuel you’d waste, not to mention the wear and tear on your car’s engine, if you turned off that engine and then restarted it after every mile traveled. Once you’re in motion, it’s far more efficient to keep moving as long as possible.

When you’ve made the minimum necessary effort, do yourself a favor that will pay off in a big way. Go ahead and make the extra effort.

— Ralph Marston

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