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The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
-- Walter Bagehot


Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Motivating setbacks

No one likes to suffer setbacks. That’s precisely what makes them so valuable.

Every setback is an opportunity for you to get your own personalized supply of a special energy that will propel you forward. That energy is known as motivation.

Think of how an illness can motivate you, like nothing else, to take better care of your health. Consider how a financial setback can provide the compelling motivation to be more financially responsible.

When a setback comes, the first priority is to deal with it and get beyond it. After that’s done, and you’ve experienced it fully, you’re blessed with an increased level of motivation and focus.

So use the energy of that motivation to deal with the underlying cause of the disappointment you’ve just experienced. In your highly motivated state, you can easily take steps to immunize yourself against similar setbacks in the future.

Certainly you would never seek out disappointment, but when the setbacks do come, they bring with them a valuable, compelling, personally meaningful motivation. It’s something you can use to great advantage.

— Ralph Marston

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