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The genius can do anything but does one thing at a time.
-- Matthew McConaughey


Saturday, October 16, 2004

Beyond conflict

If you run from conflict, it eventually finds you. If you give in to conflict, it grows even stronger and more emboldened.

The way to end conflict is to deal with it. And the way to deal with it is to overwhelm it with a positive, determined purpose.

When you’re merely fighting against something, the fighting never ends. To permanently get beyond the conflict, work to replace it with something far more valuable and positively compelling for all concerned.

That is certainly not easy. It requires commitment, persistence, and much effort in the face of difficult challenges.

Yet in the end, it is the far better choice. For rather than perpetuating the conflict, you will have removed any reason for it to ever reoccur.

There is a higher, positive purpose that will replace the destructive purpose of the conflict. Do the work to bring everyone to it.

— Ralph Marston

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