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Over every mountain there is a path, although it may not be seen from the valley.
-- James Rogers


Monday, October 18, 2004

All of who you are

You are the living embodiment of every joy you’ve ever experienced. You are the accumulated wisdom gained from every difficult challenge you’ve ever faced.

You are the child who danced gleefully in the bright morning sunshine. You are the wonder, the curiosity, the thrill of each new discovery.

You are so much more than just the circumstances of the moment. You are all the life you’ve known, all the days you’ve experienced.

You carry with you the joys from the good times and the strength that the difficult times have forged. You’ve gained confidence when things have gone your way and determination when things have not.

The positive value in your life right now is more than can be measured. And all of it is yours to use as you move forward.

Remember all of who you are. Make from it the very best of who you now can be.

— Ralph Marston

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