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The liar's punishment is not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else.
-- George Bernard Shaw


Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Sincere effort

Life is best when you can allow what you do to flow directly from who you are. Those actions that are filled with purpose and meaning are the ones that create the most value.

When your purpose is nothing more than to be able to say you accomplished something, the accomplishment will be a struggle. In contrast, when you follow a purpose that is deep within you, the progress will come more easily and naturally.

Fill your efforts with meaning. And that meaning will give those efforts a level of effectiveness that cannot be reached in any other way.

Life will hand you many different situations and circumstances. Your best response is always the one that is the most sincere.

There is a wealth of abundance in the person you are. To fully tap into that abundance, let your actions be guided by real and meaningful purpose.

Let your efforts flow from who you are. And real value will flow from those efforts.

— Ralph Marston

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