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Happiness is activity.
-- Aristotle


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Pay attention

A big part of achieving success is simply paying attention. Life has so very much to tell you when you take the time to listen.

The natural reaction to pain is to resent it and to get away from it as quickly as possible. Yet when you pay close attention, there is wisdom and value to be found in even the most painful, unpleasant experiences.

As you go through each day, your mind is filled with all sorts of things that you’re thinking and saying to yourself. Choose to regularly quiet those thoughts, to just listen, to look, to pay attention.

Pay attention and you’ll discover incredible opportunities in even the most mundane circumstances. Pay attention to the way the world works and you’ll find powerful strategies for improving your own performance.

Growth and learning stop when you reach the point where you think you know it all. However, you can choose to never reach that point.

You can choose to pay attention. And it can quickly bring great value, wisdom and effectiveness into every corner of your life.

— Ralph Marston

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